Sandy Deiro

DRE: #01701133

Direct: (805) 302-2258


Sandy Deiro has lived as both a longtime resident of Ventura County, and has adventures living in Europe. Having made major moves in the past has given her the unique perspective of a local that knows what it is like to move to the area. Having grown up in Ventura County, marrying and moving abroad and then returning to Ventura to raise her children, it is her love of the region that makes her a valuable resource for her clients.

Sandy's career experience prior to her current real estate position, was that of a small business owner, as well as 2 1/2 years of experience in escrow.

She knows a good financial investment when she sees it, and can navigate her clients easily through the complicated waters of escrow. Her business acumen is sharp and she delivers personalized, relevant service to her clientele. 

Serving the Ventura county real estate market since 2005.